Thursday, March 13, 2014

So...About This CM Punk Thing...

When I started this blog, I never intended for it to become an exclusively pro-wrestling/sports entertainment opinion page. It's not now, and it won't be but I feel like that needed to be acknowledged before I got into this entry. I also feel it necessary to state that I am a CM Punk fan.
Judging by the number of views this has, there are quite a few of us...

Sunday, March 2, 2014

I Went to a TNA Impact House Show...I Have Thoughts

There are a number of things that I need to share with anyone reading this up front for the sake of context. Luckily, it's not a large number so you can bear with me.
  • I had never been to a live wrestling event before this one, and I've not written specifically about an event before either.
  • I don't generally follow TNA Impact, so many of the wrestlers, stories, etc. are a little new to me.
With that said, let's talk about this show...and TNA by extension.

TNA Impact Wrestling Presents The Road to Lockdown Tour( experienced by someone that's only watched TNA once in the past 5 years)