Sunday, July 14, 2013

Lots of Confusion; No Loss for Words...

I'm genuinely so confused, angry, saddened that I don't know where to start. My browser crashed the first time I started jotting down my thoughts, so this is draft #2. The worst part is that I'm still no closer to any meaningful answers or any understanding in general than I was before. Even more frightening is that I don't think I ever will be...

This isn't right.

That's the thought that keeps flooding my brain every time I try to process the Zimmerman verdict. You can try to justify the results by pointing to the evidence presented in the case, and it still doesn't change the fact that EVERYTHING in this case is just flat-out wrong. The very existence OF a case is wrong. That's what I don't think people in favor or accepting of this verdict truly understand. I don't even care who attacked who first. The fact of the matter is this: George Zimmerman never should've been following Trayvon Martin in the first place.*